
Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

Selamat jalan papa ku tersayang

"Berbekallah menuju akhiratmu..
Dan sebaik baik bekal adalah taqwa.."

(ust mulyadi, TPU dredet 16 Maret 2016)

Tak layak ku menetap dalam sesak dan duka karnamu papa,
Sedang engkau telah menemukan kedamaian dalam alammu kini..
Sekarang...tak ada lagi yang akan mengusikmu,
Menyusahkan hatimu, menyakitimu meski seujung kelingking...

Ya Allah...
Dengan rahmatMu..
Aku mohon..
Peluk ia disana dengan kehangatanMu yang Paling hangat Paling sejuk..
Sayangi dia yaa Allah karna ia pria penuh kasih sayang
Hilangkan semua duka dan derita yang pernah ia rasa dulu,
Meski sebanyak buihpun, basuh semua hingga tiada bekas lagi..

Betapa aku menyayanginya,
Betapa aku akan merindunya disepanjang nafas dikehidupan ini,
Tapi ia milikMu...

Engkau yang menggenggam sepenuh jiwa raganya,
Engkau telah titipkan nyawa baginya dikehidupan ini
Engkau pula yang berkuasa menjemputnya kembali..

Apalah guna sedihku
Bila ia tlah kembali pada jalan bahagiaNya..
Meski harus ia lewati dengan banyak tertatih, peluh peluh pengorbanan dan gurat gurat luka..

Aku harus kuat meski kini tanpamu..
Aku harus kuat saat melangkahi tiap lintasan jalan yang memenuhi memori akan dirimu..
Aku harus memasuki pintu ikhlas dan membuang semua sesak disana...
Aku harus sanggup melewati semua..
Meski sendiri, tanpamu..

Engkau tlah sendiri menuju kesana ,
Tapi sepenuh harap semoga Malaikat nan lembut pembawa rahmat tlah datang penuh senyum menawarkan diri tuk menemani di istanamu yang kini
Berikan salam paling indah di semesta raya..
Melingkupi cinta hanya bagimu seluas langit dan bumi
Cinta yang datang langsung tanpa pembatas dari Allah dihadapanmu
yang tlah dijanjikan bagimu
Yang tlah engkau tunggu disepanjang hidupmu..

Ya Allah , mohon sampaikan pada papa hambaMu yang Engkau sayangi
Bahwa akupun begitu menyayanginya...
Ingin memeluknya,mendekapnya erat..erat sekali
meski nanti di alam yang setelah ini...

Sebentar lagi..
Sebagaimana umur kehidupan di alam yang sudah tua ini..

Sampai jumpa papaku sayang...
Semoga lautan sabar dan taqwa telah Engkau terima darinya ya Allah
dan Engkau ridhoi sepenuhnya
Semoga engkau telah memasuki telaga syurgawi di alam sana...

(di titik 6 jumadil akhir 1437. Wib 15.30)

Minggu, 24 Agustus 2014

Heal your Sadness

Sadness, grief, misery and sorrow are feelings which are a part and parcel of this life. When we look around us we see poverty and suffering, death and catastrophes and even in personal lives there is grief and sadness and setbacks and failures, loss of loved ones and heartache. In short this life is full of problems and is not as perfect as we want it to be.

These problems, tests and trials of this world may lead someone to think that God is unkind. People usually say what kind of a God lets people die in a tsunami or why God did this to us when we don’t like this and that.

However this is not the case at all. God is not unkind. This world is like an exam for each one of us. Just like we give exams in schools and colleges – we may find the exam hard and difficult but that does not mean that the examiner is unkind.
The exam is just to test our skills and abilities to award us accordingly. We need to pass many exams to become successful in this world and to have a good career and a job.
Similarly, this entire life is a test- so we will have to work really hard just like we work hard to pass our school exams or to get any degree and we will have to be patient as Allah says in the Quran:
“Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere,” (Quran 2:155)

Even the wealth and possessions given to a person are a trial for him or her. If some one is rich that does not at all mean that Allah is happy with such a person and therefore has bestowed him with wealth.

Allah Subhana Watala informs us: “And know that your possessions and your children are a test…” (Quran 8:28)

Also even our friends and family and people around us may be a test for us. Their injustice or hatered or their bad behaviour towards us may be a test for us as well to see if we are steadfast and patient.
( Continued Below ) .
Allah subhanawata says: “And we have appointed some of you a test for others. Will you be patient?” (Quran 25:20)

Similarly while giving the exam we are not awarded immediately for our correct answers and we are not punished for our wrong answers there and then. We need to wait for the exam to be over and for the papers to be checked and the result to be announced. In the same fashion, this life is an exam – but we don’t know when the exam will get over. As soon as we die our exam would be over and we will have to wait for the result which will be announced on the day of Judgement.

Allah says: “Every soul shall have a taste of death: and We test you by evil and by good by way of trial. To Us must ye return.”(Quran 21:35)

When we are faced with difficulties, problems, sorrow and grief in this world we should realize that this is only a temporary passing phase where Allah is testing us to see if we still are thankful to Him and if we still obey Him. This does not mean that Allah is unkind. We must remember that He is our examiner. If we do not like the questions in our college exam – does that mean we should give up and leave the paper and start hating the examiner? NO not at all. We should persevere and be patient and continue asking for Allah’s help and mercy and do our best to solve that difficult question. Allah says that those who when faced with difficulties and problems lose heart and quit will be the worst losers in this world as well as the hereafter. “There are among men some who serve Allah, as it were, on the verge: if good befalls them, they are, therewith, well content; but if a trial comes to them, they turn on their faces: they lose both this world and the Hereafter: that is loss for all to see!” (Quran 22:11)

nd for Allah is the Highest example. (Surah Nahl:60)

So when Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala , in His Infinite Wisdom, tests us with a situation that we think is difficult or takes away something that in our mind was good for us, we need to remember that perhaps it may not be so. Perhaps if we had continued in our way, it might have been harmful for us and whatever Allah decreed for us is actually better for us, for He is All-Wise and All-Knowing. Allah says: '...and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.' (Surah Baqarah: 216)

Al-Hasan al-Basri said: 'Do not resent the calamities that come and the disasters that occur, for perhaps in something that you dislike will be your salvation, and perhaps in something that you prefer will be your doom.' Remember that we are dealing with the One who is Arham ar-Raahimeen, the Most Merciful of all that show mercy. All the mercy that we have in this world from Adam (Alaiyhi Salaam) to the Day of Judgment is only one hundredth of the Mercy of the Most Merciful. And He is Most Wise. He knows and we don't know.

So have faith in Him and trust in Him and although, sometimes we may not understand the reason behind certain things, know that as long as you obey Him, whatever He will do for you is, in fact for your betterment.

So if Allah didn't give you that big house, or that nice car you wanted or that big raise you were hoping for, know in your mind and believe in your heart that it is actually better for you. Who knows.....maybe that big house, that car or that money would have become a source of 'fitnah' (test) for you....Perhaps you would have become arrogant and conceited because of it, and Allah saved you from it. Because, you know that the Prophet (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: 'Any one in whose heart is even a mustard seed's worth of pride will not enter Paradise.' (Muslim)

And if you have been sick and suffering, sure it is not easy. But again, know in your mind and believe in your heart that it is indeed better for you. For, if you bear patiently, it will be a means of expiation for your sins and a source of great reward. The Prophet (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: 'There is nothing that befalls a believer, not even a thorn that pricks him, but Allah will record one good deed for him and will remove one bad deed from him.' (Muslim)

And: 'On the Day of Resurrection, when people who had suffered affliction are given their reward, those who were healthy will wish their skins had been cut to pieces with scissors when they were in the world (when they see the immense rewards for the afflictions they suffered).' (Tirmidhi-Saheeh by al-Albaani)

If Allah took away a dear, loved one, believe, from the bottom of your heart, that surely this was better. For, you never know, had the one who passed away lived longer, may be his life would have been one of sins and disobedience and Allah, out of His Mercy, took him before that....in a state of Imaan.

And if life has been difficult, worries surround you and calamities after calamities befall you, hear the good news from the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam): 'Trials will continue to befall the believing man and woman, with regard to themselves, their children and their wealth, until they meet Allah with no sin on them.' (Tirmidhi-- saheeh by al-Albaani)

Subhaan Allah! No sin?! And what is it from this world that you wouldn't give up, just to meet Allah with no sin??!! Remember that the One Who is testing you is the Most Wise, the Most Merciful and the Most Loving.....and that He did not send this calamity in order to destroy you....or cause you pain or finish you off. Rather, He is checking on you, testing your patience, acceptance and faith; it is so that He may hear your du'a and supplication, so that He may see you standing before Him....seeking His protection....filled with humility and complaining to Him, alone.

The difficulties you face is a reminder for you to return to Allah and ask for forgiveness from Him. Who knows... if He didn't give you the difficulty, maybe you would have strayed from Him far, far away....
Ibn Taymiyah said: 'A calamity that makes you turn to Allah is better for you than a blessing which makes you forget the remembrance of Allah.' Thus in our times of trouble, when we go through pain and suffering and in our times of loss, we need to trust Allah. We need to keep in mind that as long as we fear Him and try our best to obey Him, He will never do us wrong. He will protect us and guide us and do the best for us, no matter what the situation apparently looks like.

Allaah says in a hadeeth Qudsi:
'I am as my slave thinks of me and I am with him whenever he remembers me.' (Agreed Upon).
It is actually a sign of our weakness and shortsightedness, that we tend to focus on the calamities themselves, without paying much attention to the benefits that they may bring. We also forget to look at all other innumerable blessings that we enjoy and see around us.

Our minds, our logic and our senses cannot even begin to fathom the Wisdom, the Knowledge and the Hikmah behind Allaah's decisions and verdicts. It is He who is the Wise....it is He who is the Just and it is He who is the Knower of the unseen. If we trust in Allaah, He will suffice and it is He who will grant us goodness in any situation and under any circumstances.

'And when someone puts all his trust in Allah, He will be enough for him.' (Surah at-Talaaq:3)
The Prophet (sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: 'If you put your trust completely in Allah, He will arrange for your sustenance in the same way as He provides for the birds. They go out in the morning with their stomachs empty and return filled in the evening.' (Tirmidhi-saheeh).

So trust Him! For, there is much reward in trusting Him.it is Jannah (Paradise). And there is sin in distrusting Him. Calamities and disasters are a test, and they are a sign of Allaah's love for a person. They are like medicine: even though it is bitter, yet, in spite of its bitterness you still give it to the one whom you love.

'The greatest reward comes with the greatest trial. When Allaah loves a people He tests them. Whoever accepts that wins His pleasure but whoever is discontent with that earns His wrath.' (Saheeh al-Tirmidhi)

Taken from @islamicpostz ( instagram )

P.S : follow my instagram @audahicha

Senin, 26 Mei 2014

Sentimental song for lullaby

Brian McKnight - One Last Cry: http://youtu.be/sz-NhGanOAE

Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

Papa, ciapus, cimanggu

masih mengantarkanku ke gerbang depan rumah, meski sudah susah payah tuk melangkah, sakit tiap gerak kaki papa....

Masih kuingat jelas, betapa besar kasih sayang papa, yang menjemputku,ataupun kaka adikku, saat hujan deras turun...
Menunggu di tepi jalan, seberapapun lamanya, hanya untuk menunggu kami datang, turun dari angkot,
Dan dibawah naungan deras, berpayung bersama papa....

Papa....papa yang slalu peduli,
Selalu buncahkan sayangnya pada keluarganya,
Meski ia susah sendiri...

Sekarang, aku meninggalkan papa,
Karna aku yang tak lagi sendiri....

Mengapa aku tak mampu menjagamu,
Memayungimu , bersamamu didekatmu..?

Yang kupunya hanya airmata,
Meratapi hati yang jauh dari figurmu,



Papa, ciapus, cimanggu

masih mengantarkanku ke gerbang depan rumah, meski sudah susah payah tuk melangkah, sakit tiap gerak kaki papa....

Masih kuingat jelas, betapa besar kasih sayang papa, yang menjemputku,ataupun kaka adikku, saat hujan deras turun...
Menunggu di tepi jalan, seberapapun lamanya, hanya untuk menunggu kami datang, turun dari angkot,
Dan dibawah naungan deras, berpayung bersama papa....

Papa....papa yang slalu peduli,
Selalu buncahkan sayangnya pada keluarganya,
Meski ia susah sendiri...

Sekarang, aku meninggalkan papa,
Karna aku yang tak lagi sendiri....

Mengapa aku tak mampu menjagamu,
Memayungimu , bersamamu didekatmu..?

Yang kupunya hanya airmata,
Meratapi hati yang jauh dari figurmu,



Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

Kebahagiaan Kemarin

Hari kemarin kami~aku dan suamiku kekasihku~ dimulai dari embun subuh..
Sayup sayup azan subuh yang membangunkan kami dari lelap mimpi..
Amat bersyukurnya kami ditetanggai salah satu masjid termegah di kota bogor ini...masjid ataufiq tersayang..

Berdua, aku dan suami menapaki masjid, meski dengan alasan extra kali ini, persediaan air hampir habis karna lagi-lagi pompa air tak mau jalan sejak seharian kmarin..
Ah, sungguh sengsara membawa nikmat, tak tiap hari kami berdua bisa menyambut azan bersama ke masjid, hihihi...

Namun romantisme yang Allah anugerahkan dari waktuNya tak usai sampai disana..
Sepulang shalat, kami berdua menyamping ke jalan lurus di perdana rayaII, tuk menikmati benar udara subuh dengan jogging exercise 3 putaran, yang finalnya diakhiri dengan lomba lari....
Yipppiii, i am the winner...

Yah itulah kemarin, seminggu yang lalu....
Saat kerja, semua begitu seru bersama anak2, bernyanyi bersama lagu maher zain, mendiskusikan artinya seakan tadabur....

Dan sorenya....pulang kerumah dan balik~bolak ke masjid untuk mngambil beberapa ember air, karna mesin air di kontrakan masih belum hidup kmbali..

Dan malamnya? A date in domino pizza for tuesday one get one pizza....alhamdulillah....
Tambah lagi bahagia saat jam 10 malam air kmbali mngucur.....alhmdulillah...
What a sweet tuesday....

Jumat, 15 Februari 2013

Expensive Loyality

Kejujuran diatas segelanya,
kebenaran adalah realita yang harus dikuakkan

namun, menyampaikan kebenaran tanpa memilah waktu dan lokasi yang tepat, mungkin bisa jadi pertanda kita menghadapi zona kezhaliman..astaghfirullah, seburuh itukah.?

icha bukan menilai dalam hal ini, karena kebenaran semata-mata hanyalah milik Allah,
namun kadang begitu sulit bagi kita untuk menahan diri untuk mengungkapkan kebenaran..
kepada siapa?

Betapa Allah menjaga harga diri kita dengan mengontrol lisan yang baik,
karena bicara yang baik bukan hanya atas nyawa kata, namun juga dalam momen dan ruang...

bahkan Al Qur'an, sebagai bacaan yang paling mulia, yang tak terbantahkan kebenarannya sehuruf pun, yang semakin mendayu-dayu dibaca, semakin mulia nilainya, bahkan tak serta merta dalam setiap momen dikumandangkan. Karena Allah SWT pun bahkan melarang kebaikan membaca Al Qur'an dengan lantang dan mengganggu hamba Allah lainnya yang tengah khusyuk beribadah...

dan pernahkah kawan mendengar quote keren ini..

A successful relationship is the union of two good forgivers..

maka, yuk damaikan hati kita, kawan.. karena kebenaran di pihak yang baik...
betapa banyak orang sholih yang terjerumus ulah lisannya...
bukan karena kata-kata yang buruk sebenarnya, namun atas nama posisi yang salah tempat saat membahasakannya...

ingatlah sobat saat kata itu terucap, bukan sekedar ketersinggungan yang perlu dipertimbangkan, namun efek mudharat saat orang yang tak pantas mendengar, atau membacanya, kemudian mereka membuat prasangka sendiri karena ulah aku, atau kamu, atau kita....

padahal kita bersaudara, dan tak pernah punya nafsu untuk memakan daging ia yang bersaudara dengan kita pula...

perhatikan orientasimu....

dan bila terlalu sulit bagimu untuk berloyalitas pada lembaga tempatmu bekerja, atau teman yang engkau bersandar dari hari ke hari,
maka istiqomahlah pada loyalitas keningmu berada....
engkau yang bersujud pada Allahu Rabbi....

IA selalu mengajarkan kebaikan, dalam tiap kata, tiap ruang, tiap masa...
maka istiqomahlah dalam keloyalitasan,
dan loyalitaslah pada kebenaran yang kaffah....
Allahu Rabbi...

maafkan kami yang kadang masih sulit menahan diri dari menggunjing,
tanpa menyadari kesalahan kami yang fatal..
