
Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

for only one wish

if you had a chance to reveal one wish...any wish can buy, what say you...???

to greenicha..
hmm,let me think first just a little...
maybe i would like to be invisible person,so that i can come closer to anyone i care with...
or maybe i would like to had a wings, so that i could be getting closer with clouds, or stars in the night time,or maybe i could be able to drove at someone's roof, to see what are the things theyre doing...

but hmmm...
i think i have the main one..

that a greenicha,
i would indeed to be able to sleepless.
yes. just sleepless..
just to stay in my computer screen , or speding my time with noblebooks -which is not read only but inspires me as much i seek for...

and definitely, wish to have such nights..fromnights to nights in awake moments... to be accompanied with kitab Al Quran....and with tahajjud every late night..and all night long....
just to show to Allah how much i care...and are you too, right..?

so, tell me now whats your opinion about wishes come true......

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